Report Workout
Every workout consists of at least one exercise but often several exercises. Your coach may have shared a workout for you to complete and it’s important to report if you have done all exercises in the workout or not. Every workout has a planned exertion ranging from 0 to 20 based on “Session RPE” (Rating of Perceived Exertion). It’s very important to report your own subjective Session RPE because it may alter from what was planned. Remember that Session RPE is about the whole session/workout and not just the hardest exercise in the workout.
For example, a standards judo session often consists of the exercises warm up, technical training, ne waza randori, tachi waza randori and is ended with stretching. Even if the tachi waza was very challenging physically it doesn’t mean that the whole session was very hard.
A workout can be reported as completed according to plan, completed but not according to plan or missed.
Completed according to plan
If you have completed a workout as it is described, then you can report it as “completed according to plan”. To do so click the green button in either the app or the webpage.
If any of the exercises in the workout is linked to a max test that you do not have a reported max value for will you receive the following message:
“Report according to plan for this workout requires that you register certain max values first. Go to register max values.”
You can still report the workout but you have to report it as “completed but not according to plan” as it is impossible for us to automatically calculate your load in this case. See below for more information on how to report “completed but not according to plan”.
Completed but not according to plan
If you have made some changes to the workout that you want to report then you can report these changes by clicking the orange button in either the app or the webpage. It is possible to add new exercises, change load on exercises or report certain exercises as missed. You can also change length and exertion of the workout.
If you have missed a planned workout you can report it as missed. Click the red button in the app and select a reason to report the workout as missed. In the webpage, first click the yellow button and then uncheck the completed box on the workout.
Report unplanned training (App only)
It is possible with the app to report unplanned training without having to create a workout first. To do so, first click the plus on your home screen. Start by entering some basic information such as date, training category, length and so on. If you want to be able to reuse your training as a workout later, then check “Save workout for later” and give it a name.
To add exercise to your workout, click the plus at the bottom. You can also add interval groups to your workout, click the menu button at the bottom and select “Create interval group”. , You can also reorder your exercises from the menu button. Click save when you are finished.